Decide together with your peers which article you want to read for each TAG meeting.
Remember you can read the articles in any order.
Date completed
1 Storytelling
2 Using songs in your lessons
3 Speaking and young learners
4 Reading and young learners
5 Listening and young learners
6 Using poems in lessons
7 Writing and young learners
8 English in the classroom
9 Finding and creating resources
10 Making lessons motivating
11 Developing as a teacher
12 Error correction
Things to do !
You can use the articles in any order and any way you choose. Here is how we suggest
you use the articles:
1. Arrange your chairs so that you sit in a circle.
2. Decide which article to read and the role you will each have (see the table below).
3. Read the article. First you can read silently by yourself. Then you can read it aloud with a
partner. You can discuss the ideas and questions in the article as well as any difficult vocabulary
with your partner.
4. Then, members of the group can take turns to read aloud a paragraph or section of the
article that they found interesting. You don't need to read aloud the whole article, just two or
three paragraphs that you find interesting or have questions about.
5. Members of the group can ask a question about the text to clarify the meaning of any words or
phrases they are unsure about.
6. After reading the text, members of the group share their ideas, opinions and reflections on
the topic.
7. Finally, the group discuss how the ideas can relate to them and their teaching context.
In this section, different participants can be assigned different roles while they are reading.
These could be:
The discussion director
The involver
The vocabulary enricher
The summariser
Introduces the topic of the text, starts reading the first
paragraph and then nominates the next person to read.
Encourages others to give their ideas and opinions
about the text.
Asks questions about the text after each paragraph.
Keeps the conversation going after the group has
finished reading the text.
Answers questions about any new words and phrases.
Gives a summary of the text and the group discussion.
Summarises any action points the group has made
after reading the text.
Decide together with your peers which article you want to read for each TAG meeting.
Remember you can read the articles in any order.
Gives a summary of the text and the group discussion.
Summarises any action points the group has made
after reading the text.
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